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Wild Motherhood
What Kind of Worker Would You Be if You were Doing that which You’re Passionate about? DAY 10
Recently I read a teacher’s testimony on Facebook. The teacher was commenting on remarks she had gotten during the crisis and some of...
Hey Teacher, What are You Really Worth? DAY 9
“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of...
All in all, are we just another Brick in the Wall? DAY 7
In this post we are continuing with the points we discussed in the previous post, where we asked and answered the question: “Is there...
Is there such a thing as Bad Kids? DAY 5
In this post we are going to for a moment step beyond the work and responsibility of teachers and have a more extended look at adults as...
The Art of Teaching Children: Didactic Humility and Directiveness: DAY 4
How are we as adults – and as parents and teachers especially – responsible for forming and shaping children through our communication...
How to Stop Educating Children to become Consumer-Zombies: DAY 3
Yet another day of teaching, dragging myself to the slaughter house (school) where the innocent little lambs (children) will be...
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